When we settled on Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend as our theme, I knew it had to be a night filled with elegance, charm, and a nod to the glamour of Old Hollywood. But more than that, I wanted the evening to reflect the true sparkle behind the diamonds — the strength of female friendship and the power of coming together for a meaningful cause.
Suites are Sweet
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, Dolls everywhere are dreaming of the moment their fairytale turns from once upon a time to happily ever after. Whether you are celebrating February 14th with yourself, your bestie or your beau – it’s so important to take a moment to celebrate love! Here are three different ways…
Be Jeweled
This jewelry trends post was sponsored by JCK as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but all jewelry warms our heart. Accessories help us express our personal style, our mood, it even helps showcase our unique auras. The best part about fine jewelry is that each piece is…
Crystal Chronicles: Tiger’s Eye
It may have just snowed in Chicago, but there’s a twinkle of hope in everyone’s eye that warmer days are on the horizon. March 20th marks the first day of Spring – a season of new beginnings and change. As fresh buds bloom and the earth seems to come to life again, there are exciting things happening…