Caitlin and Danielle adore their city and are proud to call Chicago their hOMe. As you venture from neighborhood to neighborhood, there are countless people, places and activities that will flip your perspective. The Dolls recently discovered a new Chicago yoga studio to hone their practice and stay heavily meditated – Mirepoix Mercantile. Caitlin and Danielle…
Resolve to Evolve
There is something so uplifting about starting the New Year with a clean slate – 365 days full of possibility are ahead of Guys and Dolls everywhere. Caitlin and Danielle use this time to reflect on the year’s past and resolve to evolve our minds and physical being. This is the time to reset and refocus on…
Look Forward – Give Back
Over at the Dollhouse, Caitlin and Danielle love to have fun with their yoga practice – they also take their practice seriously. It is sacred to their souls, after all. Giving back to the universe and those who have become important in your life can be done in so many ways. You can donate your time, talents or…
Yoga Teacher Journey: Week Four
Yoga Teacher Training is moving along just like the seasons! We’ve even been able to walk to and from our studio, Yoga Loft in River North to enjoy the delightful pre-Spring Chicago weather. Within our training, we have already learned half of the full Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. This includes: Surya Namaskara A, Surya Namaskara B and the Standing Sequence. It’s pretty cool…
Yoga Teacher Journey: Week One
There is no time like the present to further your knowledge on a topic that you’re passionate towards, add a skill to your list or just to challenge yourself. No matter what is going on in your personal or professional life – make time for yourself to achieve the goals that make your happy. For…