As the Yoga Teacher training journey continues, amazing things are starting to happen. These Dolls have been practicing yoga every day for almost a month.. Time flies when you’re in savasana! Caitlin and Dani feel lighter, happier and healthier. When you start investing in yourself, a light turns on in your soul that you didn’t even realize was switched off.

Photo cred: Nat G MVP
Dani is wearing pants from Fabletics and Caitlin is wearing Teeki Tarot Magick Hot Pant Leggings.
The main duty of a yoga teacher is to serve your students and yourself by hastening your spiritual evolution. A definition of yoga is perfection in action. Whatever you do in thought, word and deed, let there be perfection. What is the perfect act? It is an act that brings some benefit to someone and harm to no one.
In The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, there is an eightfold path called Ashtanga, or “eight limbs” (ashta=eight, anga=limb). We recently took a deep dive into the first two yoga sutras that demonstrate how to live a purposeful life as we relate to the outside world and two ourselves.

Photo cred: Nat G MVP
The first yoga sutra is Yamas, or how you relate with the world. The second is the Niyamas, or how you relate to yourself – Be mindful and apply these to your daily routines and experience a more meaningful life.

Photo cred: Nat G MVP
Here are the Yamas:
- Ahimsa: Compassion for all living things/Non-Violence. Really put yourself in another person’s situation to demonstrate kindness, friendliness and thoughtful consideration.
- Satya: Truthfulness. Consider what you say and how it may affect others. Understand and demonstrate honesty in a way that would not be harmful to others.
- Asteya: Non-stealing. Take nothing that doesn’t belong to you. Also, when someone is generous towards you, only take what is given.
- Brahmacharya: Sense Control. Non-lusting, all things in moderation. If you have a “non-healthy” addiction (sex, alcohol, drugs, etc…) towards something abstain from it all together.
- Aparigraha: Non-Possessiveness. Although you may spend a good amount of money on a material item, don’t become attached to it. Once you become attached to material items – your mind, body and soul don’t have the same freedom to operate at a higher level.
Here are the Niyamas:
- Sauca: Purity and cleanliness of your insides and outsides.
- Santosa: Contentment. Be happy with what you have, not with what you don’t have.
- Tapas: Disciplined use of our energy. To heat the body and by doing so staying in great physical shape and burn up desires to achieve life goals.
- Svadhyaya: Self Study. Intentionally find self-awareness in all activities, know where you can push the limits and know your boundaries. Act accordingly.
- Isvaraprandihana: Celebration of the Divine. Whatever your belief is, this is where you surrender to a higher power. Let go of some of the control you think you have.
We also learned the invocation chant in Sanskrit and found this amazing version by Madonna. Listen along and reference the text and translation below.
Ashtanga Yoga Mantram
Opening Invocation
Vande gurugam charanara vinde
Sandarsita svatma sukhave bodhe
Nihsreyase jangalikayamane
Samsara halahala mohasantyai
Abahu purusakaram
Sankachakrasi dharinam
Sahasra sirasam svetum
Pranamamu patanjalim
I bow to the lotus feet of the supreme Guru,
who teaches the good knowledge, showing the way
to knowing the self-awakening great happiness,
who is the doctor of the jungle, able to remove
the poison of the ignorance of conditioned existence.
In his guise as the divine serpent, with 1000 white radiant heads,
human in form down to the shoulders,
holding the sword of discrimination,
the fire-wheel of time,
and the conch of divine sound,
to the sage of Patanjali I prostrate
Looks like so much fun, I need to get back into yoga!
Yes, it’s so wonderful mentally and physically! XO
I’m so Proud of you Danielle!!! I love following all of your new adventures !!! I want to learn to be a yoga instructor with you 😉 &
Hi Stummie Maxx and I miss you xoxoxoxo
Thank You Jamie, your kind words means a lot! Let’s do some yoga by the Lake this spring/summer please! Maxx and Stummie included!
Love the cute doggie in the background!! Haha
That’s our mascot, Stummie! XO
What a gorgeous place to do yoga. I love this! I’m trying to get more into yoga!
Thanks, Elana! We enjoy some Dollhouse yoga. XO
How fun! I am actually not a big yoga girl but I do love me some pilates and zumba haha.
xoxo, Jenny
Pilates and Zumba are great too! Everyone has different preferences and that’s ok. XO
Great insight! I did prana flow training a few years ago and miss it so much!
That’s so impressive! Love it. XO
I recently had a good friend take up yoga, and she’s done so well at it, I’m tempted to try it myself!
XO, Oksana |
You should try it! Yoga is wonderful because there are so many different levels. XO
I really need to start getting back into yoga! I took a yogalates class last semester and loved it, just need to find some spare time!
Somethings in life you just need to make time for. XO
I love yoga!! It’s absolutely one of my favorite ways to calm down and destress.
Hannah from HMS Jewels
It’s so wonderful and calming! XO
Love this journey, it looks like so much fun!
Thank you, Kayleigh. You’re a Doll!
I love hatha yoga!! It’s my favorite, I’ve tried restorative but I got too bored. Since I danced in high school I loved the pace and challenge of hatha.
We looove hatha yoga as well! You would also love a vinyasa flow as a former dancer. XO ??
I love doing yoga in the morning! I’m hoping that my best friend will do this with me!
Such a great way to start the day! Hope you and your friend enjoy. XO
Oh wow! How cool! I didn’t know any of that… even the definition haha. Thank you so much for sharing.
Sara Kate Styling
Thanks for reading, Sara! You’re a Doll.
It must be so fun to learn together!
It’s super fun! Thanks, Courtney 🙂
This is awesome, well done! The whole post is great and you 2 seem to be so happy!
This is so fun! I love yoga and try to do it at least once a week at my gym! These are some great steps and tips, thank you for sharing!!
Thank you so much, Ashleligh! You’re a Doll! This is a great sequence to do in the comfort of your own home. XO
I miss yoga. It’s such a great workout especially if you have injuries
Totally agree. XO
I won’t lie – I cannot take yoga seriously – ha ha ah! I am so off balance and laugh way too much!
There’s nothing wrong with losing your balance and a little giggle never hurt anyone! XO
The doggie photobomber is so cute! I’ve honestly never tried yoga. I’m so uncoordinated, I’d probably hurt myself! Good luck on your journey to teaching. You look like a natural 🙂
I used to do Yoga for years but I stopped after college. This makes me want to start again. Great post!
Hi Leslie, You should totally start again if it’s something you enjoyed! XO
Great photos! And I’m now in the hunt for a monogrammed mat like that one with the C on it!
Love this! Need to get some friends together and have a yoga party.
Thanks, Chelsea! A yoga party sounds lovely <3
I need to get into yoga! I have tried it in the past and it was the most relaxing experience ever,
Hi Marly, we love to hear that! Try some different classes and different teachers – you would be pleasantly surprised at the variety. XO
I have long-loved yoga and how powerful and peaceful it makes me feel. I need to get back into practicing!
xoxo, SS
The Southern Stylista
Yes! It’s a wonderful practice! XO
Okay y’alls yoga gear is too cute! I always feel so much better doing yoga in cute clothes- so cliche!
Thanks Tiffani, you are too sweet!
Love that y’all are doing it together! I’ve been thinking about teacher training for a while now!
It has been a great motivator for us both! If it’s something you’ve been dreaming about like us, we totally recommend going forward! XO