The long awaited arrival of the Dollhouse Baby Bestie is finally here. The Dolls are thrilled to introduce Caitlin’s little bundle of joy just in time for Mother’s Day. Theodore Frederick (Teddy Freddy) Jecklin entered our lives April 18th. Just like Mom, this little man came with a story to tell.

Cait Doll here! If you have been following @onceuponadollhouse on Instagram, you probably saw the stories of Zach and I dancing around our labor and delivery room in my Kindred Bravely delivery gown for three days… waiting for our little prince to make his grand entrance (Bridgerton style). We got so many messages saying how glamorous I made the process look, but I can assure you that doing my hair and makeup made me feel a little more like myself – and dancing with Zach helped me take my mind off how uncomfortable all the induction drugs were. A Doll’s gotta do what a Doll’s gotta do, right?!
We will share the long story on Doll Talk Podcast, but for now here’s the very short version: I was scheduled for an induction at 38 weeks, because of my Gestational Diabetes (and the fact that I was put on insulin to help regulate my blood sugars). Little did we know that I would be induced for THREE DAYS. On the last evening, I laid in my hospital bed praying. I had the epidural, my water was broken, and I was resting different positions until the morning when we were expecting to deliver. I prayed for our baby boy to arrive safely (and quickly). In that exact moment at 4:59am, an alarm went off and three nurses appeared in our room. The baby’s heart rate had dropped and was continuing to do so. Theodore (meaning Gift of God) was born ten minutes later at 5:09am.
Teddy truly is our gift from God. We are over the moon for him, and he has been a little dream baby for us. When everything first happened I had so many emotions – elated by our sweet little boy, a little traumatized by the past few days, and fearful of the 6-week recovery I hadn’t mentally prepared for. My husband grinned from ear to ear when I pronounced shortly after that I would gladly do it all again.
We waited until we met Teddy to decide on a name, and we knew the moment we met him that it was a perfect fit. He has proven day in and day out to be our blessing. At first I thought that 38 weeks was too early for his arrival, and if we had just waited one more week we could have avoided an emergency c-section. I believe now more than ever that it was all part of God’s plan. Teddy arrived just in time to meet my father (his Grampy) before he passed away, and I am forever thankful for that. I tell Teddy that he has a very special angel watching down on him.
Every birth story is different – chaotic, messy and beautiful. I know that every Mama has undeniable strength in these moments and I now understand this very special “club”. Here are a few things that helped me navigate my c-section recovery:
- My husband has been my rock. I cried the day we went to the hospital because I knew it would be the last moments of “just us”. Our relationship has grown more than I knew possible in the moments when he handed me a peri battle, physically helped me get in and out of bed, encouraged me to take my first steps. and helped take care of our sweet baby boy.
- Breast Feeding was my main focus when we returned from the hospital. There were so many things I couldn’t do from the start -like get out of bed or pick up Teddy out of his cradle. Focusing on what I CAN do put a positive spin on everything for me. I would sit in my chair or up in bed with my trusty Boppy and work on latching and my patience. By Teddy’s first week appointment he gained back his birth weight and I gained back a little of my confidence too.
- Belly Bandit has some great products for c-sections. The first time I got out of bed in the hospital, I felt like I couldn’t stand straight up, but once my nurse informed me it would help my recovery, I was determined. I switch off between wearing the Luxe Belly Wrap (get the expander too) and the C-Section Recovery Underwear and it makes a huge difference. Use code ONCEUPONADOLLHOUSE10 for a discount.
- Juice Plus has been a part of my nutrition plan before-during-and after pregnancy. These magical capsules are filled with fruits and veggies galore. I love that I’m passing down this nutrition to my Teddy Freddy.
- Liz Cuttica’s Post Partum Course has been a welcomed discovery. I actually had a follower recommend that I connect with Liz after my c-section. We set up a call and it helped me SOOOO much… I told Dani it was like a birthing therapy session. We talked through every emotion I was feeling – joy, guilt, pain, helplessness – and more importantly, how I would move forward.
- Staying true to myself was another big priority. Fitness and working out is such a big part of my identity – but that flew out the window with my 6-week recovery. Getting up and dressed every day became important to me. Even if I sat in the chair most of the day, it was important for me to try and feel like myself. I kept up with my skincare routine, and all the glam things I love (click here for more). I even got a home spray tan from Glo Up Chicago in preparation for our newborn photoshoot.
- A Newborn Photoshoot was obviously high on my priority list. We worked with Alicia’s Photography and it made my Mommy heart SOOOO full! Alicia is so incredibly talented, and she captured Teddy (and Mom and Dad) perfectly. I highly recommend working with her. You need to book this shoot 1-2 weeks after the birth of your little one so plan ahead!
I’m so happy to introduce you all to my sweet baby boy. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mamas out there. Sending you all so much love!