January 5th marks another orbit around the sun for Once Upon a Dollhouse. This has been quite the year – full of ups, downs, heartache and joy. Throughout it all, Caitlin and Danielle have kept their pact to stick together and their bond is stronger than ever. A celebration is truly in order as the Dolls turn a new page of their virtual storybook. As with tradition, Caitlin and Danielle are commemorating the day in ball gowns.

Shop Caitlin’s gown by clicking here, and Dani’s cocktail dress by clicking here (also available in more colors).
As each year passes, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for the community that we’ve built. The fact that you are all so comfortable to DM us on the regular, have side conversations, and encourage us to post, post, post – that means the world!
In the coming year, we vow to continue our transparency in our lives, bring relevant topics to the table and keep our two-way communication going strong. Our hearts may be full, but our inbox will never be too full for you.

These photos were taken by our friend and photographer Crystal in Lincoln Park, Chicago.