The 2021 New Year seems to be the most widely accepted and welcomed calendar flip in the Dolls’ history. The past year has been full of ups downs and everything in between for the Dolls. Above all else, this year brings hope for Caitlin and Danielle. Keep reading for 5 ways the Dolls plan to thrive in the New Year.
This NYE certainly looks different than any other in our lifetime. We never dreamed we would be matching custom face masks with our bespoke Mira Couture gowns… but here we are adding our sparkle every way we know how! We are still wearing masks and encouraging you all to do the same. It’s all about the smeyes.
smeyes (verb) A term coined by Tyra Banks; to smile with your eyes.
If you are reading this… This is the only year we will likely live through an identical double digit year – wherein the first two numbers of the year and second two numbers of the year match (ex: 1616,1717,1818). This only happens every 100 years.
How we are gearing up for 2021:
- Set Intentions: Whatever your intentions are – write them down! Big, little or something in between. There’s magic in putting pen to paper. We believe in manifesting your dreams.
- Practice Mindfulness: Take it day by day – or even moment by moment. Our attention spans are getting shorter due to endless scrolling on our phones and our connectedness to all things technology. Practicing mindfulness helps keep us in the moment so we can focus on our loved ones and shared experiences.
- Self Care: When the oxygen mask comes down, place yours on first before helping others. This is an important instruction we learn while traveling on an airplane and it is should be applied to all aspects of our lives! Take time for yourself and watch other areas of your life thrive.
- Stay hydrated – Drink half your body weight in ounces most days.
- Get physical – Move around! Take walks, start a fitness routine or amp up your current one. There are SOOO many at home options that came out of the pandemic that there are no excuses.
- Focus on Gratitude – This has been a game changer in the Dolls lives. Start 2021 focusing on the GOOD.
- Be flexible – Bend when things get tough… Don’t break! But if you do break, please know the door to the Dollhouse is always open. We are willing to listen and try to help put the pieces back together again.
- Live your passion and continue learning: Over the years we have heard so many of you loud and clear who have something other than your career or day job you’d like to do. We encourage that you spend 5 hours per week cultivating your passion, it’s not like we are traveling much or going out – Start today! The next phrase we usually hear from people is, “but then I need help with my social media to share my passion.” We’ve got you covered, manage your social media like an agency and for a fraction of the cost : SBSM Academy (click here)
- Stay Connected: This whole pandemic thing has really strengthened a lot of relationships. Keep watering those relationship seeds and watch them grow! There are so many fun ways to keep in touch! Emails, phone calls, video chats, small in home gathering (If you’re comfortable) small outdoor gatherings (obviously with heaters if you’re in Chi).
Lastly, we ask you to continue to wear you face mask in public and when around your friends and families. We need to protect each other as much as possible.
Caitlin and Danielle are wearing earrings from the Lagos Jewelry North Star Collection (shop here). Fancy face masks were custom made by Mira Couture (shop here). Proceeds will be donated to Connections for Abused Women and their Children (CAWC) to support women and children against domestic violence. For every mask purchased a mask will be donated to the organization in your name.
We have all been in the same storm, but on different boats. Our stressors of 2020 came in waves…
At the start of the pandemic – our work lives as we knew then came to screeching halt. No more photoshoots, client meetings, evening brand events. Our wardrobe changes shifted from the latest designers and boutique fashions to athleisure and pajamas. We didn’t see each other for months in person – a first in our friendship. If you know us -through the blog, the gram or in person – you know that this wasn’t going to fly!
We stayed connected by naming each other our Pandemic Pal and we started The Doll Talk Podcast. This kept us hopeful, planning and moving forward each week… and when we were able to finally see each other in person, we celebrated with a big HUG!
In a nutshell – a few of our most trying experiences included Caitlin’s Dad having a big fall and brush with COVID – leading to a 45 day hospital stay in isolation (listen to the story here). Dani went through a traumatic breakup (listen here) and is missing her grandmothers desperately. She hopes to hug each mid- 90 year old again in this lifetime. Tragically, we had to say goodbye to the Dollhouse mascot – Dani’s sweet dog, Stummie, to top it all off.
We’re holding our silver linings near and dear as we look back on 2020. Caitlin and her husband conceived their first baby – we even found out it’s a boy! Her dad came home in time for Christmas. Dani is pursuing a new and exciting love interest… shall we call him “Mini Golf“?!
So as we enter 2021, is everything going to magically snap into a different place in all of our lives? No, it’s going to take time and we are going to share with you what we are implementing into our lives to help cultivate and create a Thriving 2021.
We are not sure what 2021 will shape up to be but we do know we are going to focus on making it as positive and hopeful as possible. We are powerful, we are resilient and we are grateful for every opportunity that comes our Doll way. Most importantly, we are grateful for all of you who have supported Once Upon a Dollhouse over the years! Thank you!