Life is ever-changing and at any point in time, any person can positively impact their own destiny. Caitlin and Danielle believe that every thought that crosses our mind creates our future. How do you envision your life in one year, five years, ten years? If you manifest your dreams, you can literally make them come true.
We’re talking about the Law of Attraction. If you’re not familiar with this concept, it is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. Regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe. This can be through prayer, meditation, daily mantras and manifestation. (Law of Attraction)
In the infinity of life, there is an opportunity to create our own future. The power of the mind helps materialize our thoughts into reality. That means all of our thoughts… so you must free yourself from any negativity. If you focus on negative doom and gloom, you will remain under that cloud. If you focus on positive thoughts and have goals that you aim to achieve, you will find a way to achieve them with massive action.
Let’s manifest our dreams.
I am free to allow the good to manifest in my life. I declare for myself the richness and fullness of life in all its profuse abundance: love-lavishly flowing; prosperity-abounding; health-vital and vibrant; creativity-ever new and fresh; and peace-all-surrounding. All this I deserve and am willing to accept and have on a permanent basis.
My mind flows with creativity and brilliance. My work will bring abundance and fulfill me with purpose.
I am youthful, beautiful and ever evolving. My life is full of joy and adventure.
Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.” – Oprah Winfrey
Yes… there are plenty of celebrities who believe in the power of manifestation and even credit their success to the Law of Attraction. Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Lady Gaga and Jim Carrey to name a few.
How You Can Manifest Your Dreams
Show Gratitude – Be thankful for what you have and you will be abundant. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will end up with less. Tell yourself what you are grateful for in each moment, you can even start a gratitude journal.
Repeat: I am very thankful for all the love in my life. I find it everywhere.
Be Kind to Yourself – Go to the gym, eat whole organic foods, drink water, rest. Give yourself compliments. These are the things that start inside and manifest themselves on the outside. Laugh! Laughter attracts joy and releases negativity. Get your hair and your nails done, treat yourself.
Repeat: All is well in my world. The universe is conspiring in my favor. I love myself.
Be Kind to Others – Kindness will always come back to you. The way you treat others will give out the same energy you want back. If you want happiness, look for happiness and surround yourself with it and yours will grow.
Repeat: We are all family, and this world is our home. I have compassion for all and show kindness to those around me.
Think Positive – Every thought we think is creating our future. Free yourself from negativity. Align your mind and your physical action with positivity. This will affect your health, your relationships, and your successes in a positive way.
Repeat: I declare that every negative thought pattern in my consciousness is now being cleared out, erased, and let go. My consciousness is now being filled with cheerful, positive, loving thought patterns that contribute to my health, wealth, and loving relationships.
Visualize – If you see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. Close your eyes. Picture your grandest dreams, feel the air on your skin in the moment – the taste on your lips – every sensation that makes you one with your dream. After you focus on what you want, stay in that conceptualization for as long as possible.
Repeat: I choose to see clearly with the eyes of love. My grandest dreams are attainable and I can visualize myself living them.
Ask for It – Verbalize your positive dreams. Repeat a mantra daily that embodies your dream.
Repeat: I am open and receptive to all the goodness and abundance the universe has to offer.
Believe It – Stay focused on what you want. Repeat and visualize it constantly. Believe in your heart that this is your destiny.
Repeat: I have the courage to live my dreams.
A very special thank you to the beautiful and talented Crystal Nicole for capturing these moments in Venice Beach and Lisa Brester for being our fashion fairy godmother.
What are your dreams? Tell us in the comments.
The mind is a powerful thing. And thoughts can come true
Wow! This post is a literal breath of fresh air! I’ve been on quite a journey with own wellbeing, and reading this gave me that extra boost to really allow myself to submerge myself in being happy and living my life both fearless and ready to achieve those dreams! I hope that, while on a weight loss journey, I can also find my passion and happiness. For so long, I craved it. Now, I’m ready to live it!
I have never heard of the term but I understand the concept 100%. I think it is important for us to understand and acknowledge self awareness. And hang around like-minded people.
My dreams is to be financially stable to the point where I can eventually do pro bono work for individuals who do not have the funds to care for their mental health. I also dream of creating workbooks, planners etc for individuals to reach their goals in each and every capacity!
What a beautiful and inspiring post. Aside from the stunning photos, I absolutely enjoyed your words so much. I have wanted to work on manifesting for some time now. Thank you for the inspiration needed to begin!
Wow, what an interesting read! I love that you mentioned that “every thought we think is creating our future.” I totally agree that we should free ourselves from negativity, which means that we should surround ourselves with positive people as well. Thank you for sharing this!
All of this is exactly what I try to do in my life. There are times when it’s impossible to keep being kind or positive, but it’s only by continuing to prove that you can have a life full of happiness.
Could not agree more. Such an important statement for anyone who wants to live out their dreams.
Oh yeah, I am also a believer in the power of envisioning. We have the power to be what we wanted to be. Positivity attracts positivity.
I firread visualization from a book when I was still in elementary. And yesf I believe in the power of the mind.
I think freeing yourself from negativity is so important in this time and age. Often times we want to think the worst about something but staying positive is to essential.
Thank you for giving us a guide on how to manifest our dreams, and to be open and receptive to the abundance of the universe. I’m going to keep reminding myself of this as I strive towards my dreams
Being kind to others is the best. Always treat others the way you would want to be treated . That’s what I follow in life
I absolutely love this! I think manifesting is so important and can help us achieve our dreams! 2019 will be the year of manifesting!
Thanks for such an informative post on Law of attraction. I am such a big follower of this concept and used it many. We all must manifest our dreams to live them.
Thisnwas a great post to read just before the start of a new year with new goals! I love the approach you’ve taken!
The law of attraction is something that has helped me on my journey. I hope you manifest amazing opportunities in the new year!
My biggest dream right now is figuring out my passion. I know it seems silly not to know but, life has a funny way of stepping in front of everything and derailing interest that could have became passions. Right now however I am in a place where I can rediscover interest that maybe can turn into something more. Anyway I 100% believe in the law of attraction and have used it for years loving the results!
I definitely needed to read this today! With the beginning of a new year, this gives me a chance to start it off right 🙂
Wow! Great tips. This coming 2019 we need to do this ideas thanks for sharing.