Today is National Pet Day, and we’re celebrating the Dollhouse mascot! Say Hello to Stummie, yes you read right – A mix of a stomach and a tummie – STUMMIE!!
In August of this year, Stummie will be 9-years old. Weighing in at a buff 5 pounds, he is quite the cultured pup. Stummie is from sunny Los Angeles, California but has lived all over the land of the free… including Texas, Florida, Colorado, Illinois and Wisconsin.
He is our Dollhouse Mascot and beyond, he has been Dani’s best friend for almost a decade and Caitlin’s favorite furry nephew.
Stummie also has his own hashtag #stumlife and goes by all the following names: Stumbum – The Bumster – Stumster – StummieKong – TumTum- Tomatoe- Mr. Man Tooth – Bumbie – Stumble – and the dolls personal favorite Mr. Panda Man.
This photo is from 2007 just after he was born. He fit in Dani’s hand. Driving him home for the first time was hilarious – He was so tiny and squirmy!
One of Dani’s best friends from high school, Jonathan, built Stummie this custom home where he spent many years burying his toys in the backyard 😉
Sometimes on weekends Stummie likes to dress up like his favorite star wars character, Yoda.
Stummie literally goes everywhere with the Dolls – even on their trip to Colorado.
Stummie enjoys historical landmarks with his Auntie.
On the train to Aspen.
Stummie Vacationing in Aspen.
Stummie on the beach in Bay View.
Goddess Girl Gang in Bay View.
Stummie at Dollhouse Halloween dressed as Barbie’s pupp with the Devil. (Ahh!)
Our little gentlemen at Grandma B’s
Photoshoot ready.
Make sure you enjoy every photo of Stummie because I promise you will never meet another one like him.
He is SO cute. I had no idea it was national pet day, but now I think I should go bake my dog some treats or something 🙂
Thanks, Robin! He is the best little cuddle companion in the universe. XO
Adorable! We are the proud parents of Wilson (a Westie) and Truman (a Cavachon) It is amazing how much they become a part of your life.
Oh my god ! Your pup is so cute. I love his little dog house that he has too. I’m obsessed with my dog too, so I definitely appreciate this post! Great post xx
He is the cutest! Thanks, Michele. Wish your furry guy a happy pet day from the Dolls. XO
now that’s a well traveled pup! What a fun travel companion 🙂 BTW, LOVE that orange chair in the first photo, lol!
Awe, stummie has to be one of the cutiest dogs ever… I say one of because of course, my own pooch is right up there with him lol.
What a sweetie! I love that you are celebrating national pet day! What a fun little holiday!
Awww Stummie is adorable and it is amazing that he goes with to you guys to most places. Lovely pics of him with the family. Well, hello Stummie! 🙂
xx, Kusum |
He’s the cutest 🙂
What an adorable little puppy! When I was in high school we got two poms, and they were the loves of my life for a very long time. We are looking forward to when we can bring a family dog in!
Oh my goodness! He is just too cute! I have cocker spaniels and while they are cute in their own way, they are nowhere near this cute because I couldn’t pick mine up and put him in a bag and take him along. 🙂
That custom house is adorable! My dog loves nothing better than crawling into small spaces.
Awwww what a great mascot !!! So cute he travels way more than me lucky pup
Your pup is adorable. I have two dogs of my own but am always the crazy person who tries to talk to strangers dogs.
Aw he’s adorable. I’ve never heard of national pet day, will definetely be celebrating now in the future.
Stummie Makes the perfect model and the hashtags are so cute GO! #stumlife (in a cheerleader tone lol)
LOVE the cheerleader tone! Goooo team 🙂
Wow! Happy national pet day to all. Your pup looks really lovable.
What a cutie patootie! Stummie looks like he has a great life (& wardrobe)! I’m also doing a praise hands emoji while reading the statement Pets Are People Too! Everyone thinks I’m crazy when I tell them my sweet little boy Cooper is my son. Our bond is stronger than 10,000 freight trucks
Awwww – we would love to see a picture of Cooper!!! XO
What a cutie! I love that he is a little traveler. Thanks for sharing these cute photos of your little mascot.
He is so adorable! Look at all his picture. He knows how to “steal” people hearts, He reminds me of my dog -years ago- he loves to pick up flowers in our backyard..LOL!
Omg what a cute furbaby you have!!!!! Hope you enjoyed pet day together :):)
He is just adorable. We have a rescue dog that is mixed with Labrador and Pitbull Terrier. He is like another son and we spoil him all the time.
What a tiny little cutie. He;’s been around and lived in more places than I have.
He’s adorable, cute and spoiled. I love our dogs too.